donderdag 20 september 2007

The first days...

Ahalrighty...3 days into our Ugandan adventure and here are some of our main impressions so far. As we only have 9 minutes left on a prehistoric 1k per second internet connection i'll get down to business;

1) Our basecamp is located in Bujangali, right at the start of the river Nile. The nature is absolutely fantastic and amazing and a whole bunch of synonims like it...once we find a computer on which we can upload pics we'll show u what we mean.

2) MZUNGU. MZUNGU. MZUNGU. Everyone calls us mzungu, meaning white man. as soon as children spot us they get into an overexcited frenzy, sprint to their friends and suddenly a chorus of 'MZUNGUS!!!!!' is heard all the way to Kenya. Picture material will also follow.

3) A gang of suicidal guys are outside our basecamp at all times on pre-communist mopeds offering us a ride into jinja town for 2500 shillings ( 1 euro) was interesting. shawn almost lost a flipflop. lio seemed to dig it. gert-jan went up hills at 40meters/hour and benjamin has it allon camera.

4) food is cheap...picture material to follow

5) i'm waiting for pics to fully expain our experiences so far with the local children.

Coming to think of itm this is a prertty worthless post. Plus I'm getting stressed with only 3 minutes to go on this damn timer. So this is mostl;y a sign that we have not forgotten about the blog and will update it as often as possible!!

And do excuse the type-o's. This keyboard lives a life of its own.

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