maandag 8 oktober 2007

Kampala by Night

Jambo mzungus.

So we left shawny behind in search for some big pussy-cats. Before we actuall said our goodbyes to our fellow compadre who is staying for two more months we went to a belgian party in kampala. The party was a little posh and very closed to outsiders but we didn't mind cuz they served leffe and hoegaarden and best off all buffet with real MAYO!!!

As for Kampala, it will never be a city benjamin will enjoy. First afternoon off todlin around searchin for the belgian party benjamin got hit by a car. The policeman standin 2metres away from him didn't really mind and so the driver of the green toyota corona did a little britney or paris.(hit 'n run).

After the belgian Party the threesome bein ben, g-j and lio decidd it was time for a little kampala nightlife. Hooray for prostitutes in kampala. they are everywhere in every decent pub and they only cost 2500ugandan shillings wich is like 1 euro. god we love this country.

Our place to stay in kampala is the lovely fiance hotel, wich is actually somekind of whore-house i think but we didnt mind cuz beside the leaking shower and the noise of the fan( wich is about to fall off )and street the beds are a welcome cange from the tent.

But i search of the pussycats we had to leave Kampala and head north-west to masindi. The means of transportation was the bus or as one might call it "the madmann from hell drivin way to fast in a overcrowded bus and i was happy i slept most of the time"-vehicle.

Tommorow we head in to Murchinson national park in search for Real african animals cuz all we have seen so far are bats, heeps of insects and monkeys.

gotta go now... hope to update soon again.

ps: no prostitutes were hurt during our stay in kampala and nobody cracked for their charmes.

still no sign of the driver that crashed into benjamim, a nation wide search was started yesterday.

the bus was really scary

benjamin is fine, he is just no very keen on the ugandan traffic.

1 opmerking:

Osaka 2007 zei

Hi boys,

ik weet niet of jullie dit nog lezen voordat jullie terug in een vliegtuig stappen, maar volgens oom Stefan moet het aanrijden andersom ........
Toch blij dat je ongedeerd bent.
Geniet nog van jullie laatste dagen en Ohja;
muggen, vleermuizen, en andere beesten (incl gorillababy'tjes) rustig daarlaten
