Quick intermezzo before we go on location again tomorrow;
- the cows we mentioned in our previous post. lio showed off his amazing footballing skills by running cross field with the ball and then hitting a cow's ass with his first kick of the game. the loud 'MOOOOOO' was obviously cheered on by tonnes of children.
- Turns out its best we didnt go to volunteer at lake albert. Cuz of the oil that's been discovered 6 Europeans/Americans have been involved in violence related issues, amongst which gunfights and deaths.
- power works like 50% of the time
- there was a near fight in one of the bars the other day. seemed to be a bit of racial tension.
- we had dinner in a local scouts place yesterday, there was also a dayparty for teenagers as a 'last party' before headin to exams. it ended at dusk to prevent the teenagers playing naughty little games with each other in the dark. so no nookie for them!
- floods everywhere in uganda, here the water level rises a bit makin extra cool white water rafting
we're goin on location tomorrow, so update friday or saturday!! check you later!
zondag 30 september 2007
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1 opmerking:
hoi benjamin,
in de standaard van gisteren was er een hele bijdrage over lake albert. De ugandezen claimen nu bijna het ganse meer, terwijl de oorspronkelijke grens dwars door het meer liep. Kwestie van alle olie naar uganda te kunnen overhevelen. Bij een vuurgevecht op het meer eerder deze week zouden zes mensen het leven hebben gelaten...dus...
daar gaan we nog veel van horen
geniet verder van dit avontuur en pas op voor het bekende afrika-virus....
het kan je voor de rest van je leven bijblijven zoals bij die nonkel van je
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